With the help of the Local Council Roads Innovation Group, key council contractors and other companies, almost £2,500 has been raised to give our care leavers a gift this Christmas.
Yesterday, Thursday 19 December, 163 gift bags were provided to the council to be able to hand out to every single person who has spent time in foster or residential care in the borough, who is between the ages of 18 and 21. This is the fifth year for the council to take part in the initiative and for many of the care leavers, this will be the only present they receive this year.
The donations to buy the gifts totalled £2,450, generously provided by the Local Council Roads Innovation Group (LCRIG) and seven contractors who work with the highways department at the council: A.J Bretherton Groundworks and Plant Hire, Multipave NW Ltd, Tensar, Multevo and Beever & Struthers.
Councillor Quesir Mahmood, Executive Member for Growth and Development said:
“It’s excellent to be supporting this initiative once again this year, and we couldn’t do it without the support of our contractors.
A huge thank you to those who have donated and to the LCRIG team for buying, wrapping and creating the gift bags.”
Councillor Julie Gunn, Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education said:
“Here at Blackburn with Darwen borough council our aim is to ensure that no-one is left behind, and that includes our care leavers.
Thank you to everyone involved in this fantastic initiative, I know the gifts will be so appreciated.”
Susanne Ingham, Relationship Director at the Local Council Roads Innovation Group said:
“LCRIG is so proud to support this fantastic initiative again this year and provide presents for young people leaving care. A huge thank you to the companies that generously donated towards the gifts.”
The gift bags, which have been thoughtfully assembled by Susanne’s daughter, Georgia, will be hand delivered to every care leaver by the council’s children, education and young people’s department, regardless of where they live, whether it be in Scotland or Torquay.