Whether you're together or separated, conflict is a normal part of any parenting relationship. It only starts to become a problem when conflict is frequent, intense and poorly resolved. There is also strong evidence to show how parental conflict can have a significantly negative impact on children’s long-term outcomes.
Parental conflict may include:
- a lack of warmth or emotional connection
- intense / regular arguments
- not listening / understanding others perspective
- not accepting the outcome of arguments
Parental conflict can affect children’s:
- Mental health and happiness
- Behaviour
- Education / Employability
- Physical Health
- Relationships
Programmes and support available
Online programmes
Me, You and Baby Too
Having a baby can be an exciting time but it’s also one of the biggest changes you and your partner are likely to go through. You’ll both be tired and stressed, and you may argue more. Me, You and Baby Too is a free online course that can help you navigate these changes and keep moving forward together.
Arguing better
Disagreements are a normal part of life, and most couples argue from time to time. The way you approach these conversations can make a big difference to you, your partner, and your children. Arguing better is a free online course to help you manage difficult conversations, avoid conflict, and improve things for your whole family.
Getting it right for children
When parents are separating or separated, children can often get caught in the middle. Getting it right for children is a free online course designed to help you parent co-operatively. It can help you to develop positive communication skills, so that you can sort out disagreements and find solutions together.
Register for an online programme with oneplusone
Face to face programmes
Healthy relationships parenting group - parents together
Whether you are together or co-parenting, we understand that conflict is a normal part of everyday life and relationships. When conflict escalates and is not resolved, it can have a huge impact on children, young people and the family.
We will help parents work on:
- communicating effectively
- problem solving
- effective co-parenting
- understanding their causes of conflict
- self help techniques
- managing stress
- exploring the impact of conflict for their children
Courses available:
- Couples in a relationship - free 5 week course
- Separated parents - free 3 week course
Register your interest in the Healthy relationships parenting course
One to one support
Relationship toolkit structured support sessions
This toolkit aims to bring parents together to understand the impact that conflict can have on their children. Supporting parents during 6 sessions to make positive changes in the way they communicate and manage their conflict.
Contact your local Family Hub or Children's Centre for more information
Support straight to your phone
Separating better app
Separating better offers emotional and practical support to parents, guiding them through the separation process and equipping them with the skills they need to resolve conflict and co-parent effectively, in the best interests of their children.
The app contains:
- Practical tools to help with budgeting and legal arrangements
- A parenting plan which parents can create to suit the needs of their children
- Videos to help parents to learn healthy conflict management and communication skills
- Evidence-based, expert articles about separation and co-parenting